As I sit at Hong Kong international, waiting to board my flight back home to SA, I think back to when the journey first began and all of the fears and concerns I had
And as I now sit here at the end of the year and the journey, I am amazed at the things I saw, the obstacles I overcame, the strength my character endured, how I grew and developed as a women, the amazing man I met and feel in love with and the GOD send friends I made
Korea had its ups and downs, and there were moments that I thought I wouldn't make it through, but through it all with the help of loved ones and a Higher power who has always guided me, All the things I faced then, are just a distant memory now
If I look back at my life, throughout my travels and my experiences, I consider myself to be very lucky because I have always been protected and kept safe and most of all been blessed with amazing friends and people.
I will miss all things Korean, especially speaking the language and the smells and all else Korean..The end of this experience was very bittersweet for me, I grew so attached to my boss, co workers, students and off course my friends..I grew familiar with the lifestyle, the independence, me being my own women and just having the freedom to do as I please!!
I became part of an extended family in Korea and while I'm home, I will miss that terribly. The bonds developed and the memories made!!!
As I journey home, I look forward to may more exciting and new things as well. Seeing family and waiting to see Chad for his holiday in South Africa. After 5 months of being separated from my love, I anxiously await the moment when we are reunited again..
Until then, I will need to endure the painful flight home!!
SA here I come!!!
Love to all in whichever part of the world this blog finds you!!!