Monday, July 26, 2010

Homeward bound and the incredible journey!!!

As I sit at Hong Kong international, waiting to board my flight back home to SA, I think back to when the journey first began and all of the fears and concerns I had

And as I now sit here at the end of the year and the journey, I am amazed at the things I saw, the obstacles I overcame, the strength my character endured, how I grew and developed as a women, the amazing man I met and feel in love with and the GOD send friends I made

Korea had its ups and downs, and there were moments that I thought I wouldn't make it through, but through it all with the help of loved ones and a Higher power who has always guided me, All the things I faced then, are just a distant memory now

If I look back at my life, throughout my travels and my experiences, I consider myself to be very lucky because I have always been protected and kept safe and most of all been blessed with amazing friends and people.

I will miss all things Korean, especially speaking the language and the smells and all else Korean..The end of this experience was very bittersweet for me, I grew so attached to my boss, co workers, students and off course my friends..I grew familiar with the lifestyle, the independence, me being my own women and just having the freedom to do as I please!!

I became part of an extended family in Korea and while I'm home, I will miss that terribly. The bonds developed and the memories made!!!

As I journey home, I look forward to may more exciting and new things as well. Seeing family and waiting to see Chad for his holiday in South Africa. After 5 months of being separated from my love, I anxiously await the moment when we are reunited again..

Until then, I will need to endure the painful flight home!!

SA here I come!!!

Love to all in whichever part of the world this blog finds you!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Another year older!!!!

SO once again, that time of year has arrived!!! For those of you lucky enough to know me, knows that the birthday for me, is the most marked and special day on the calender.
It comes fully loaded with a countdown and the works

This year was no different, although I did feel a little more lonely, since this year there is not only the family to miss but also Chad.. So naturally I was was feeling a little down..

Often time sin life, we worry too much about whats going on and forget to stop and realise the many blessings in the forms of friends that we have in our lives.
My friends were amazing and treated me the way im used to be treated during by birthday from my family..

We had a wonderful weekend and even the kids at school, threw me a surprise party!!

Even though I missed my family and Chad very much, strangely enough it did feel like I had family with me throughout the special weekend!!!

Hugs to all..

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Overload of Simple pleasures!!!

I am always reminded, every time I put on my apron and stand in my tiny~lil~excuse~for~a~kitchen, the reason why I came to Korea. To make that dream of becoming a pastry chef into a reality..

And every once in a while, well maybe more often than that, I am in awe of the culinary world especially of the sweeter nature..Last weekend I had the wonderful opportunity to have a day out with my SA girlfriend and fellow English teacher, Mardeyah.
We spent the better part of the afternoon indulging in a strawberry buffet at a hotel in Seoul..
Needless to say, by the end of the afternoon, we had surely OD'd on strawberries..

Whoever said too much of anything isnt a good thing, needs to eat at a strawberry buffet and rethink their statement ♥

Wherever in the world this blog finds you, take some time out to indulge in something decadent today..

Love and hugs..

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The fairytale seems dim right about now~~!!

Sometimes one has to ask whether that good ol' saying GOOD THINGS DON'T LAST FOREVER is true to form or merely just a saying..

The past 7 months of being in Korea were and still are amazing, but ever since I met this wonderful guy and we started dating, the past few months seemed like a fairytale..
The kind of happiness and that floaty~on~cloud~no 9~feeling was something I had never experienced before..

But like the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, well temporarily for us at least. Last weekend Chad left to head back home to the US. Needless to say, it was something we had been dreading, but knowing that something is only temporary and that we will see each other again, made the goodbye a lot less painful!!!

Since then I have been keeping busy, going out and forming new bonds with new friends!!! In my case, baking, cooking and being hospitable is something that allows me to concentrate on what I enjoy doing and forget about the things around me!!

Also the fact that it is the 1st day of spring today, makes me feel a bit better in the hope that Sunny days are almost here..With that being said, it is a good ol 3 degrees celcius here today with mild rain. I guess there is nothing wrong with a girl hoping huh??

I have also began the countdown to return home for a vacation in August. With my iGoogle countdown timer showing a weird number like 135days, 15 hours, 19 minutes and 25 seconds, and ticking away as i type, It is something I look forward to everyday, as is the case with seeing the fairytale continue in the coming months!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A support system sent from above!!!

This was one of the reasons why I hesitated at the beginning of this experience to begin a blog. Somehow time passes and with the daily going on of life, one tends to forget or dismiss the blog!! But luckily if you are blessed to have a MOTHER like mine, you will be reminded from time to time :-)

Alot has happened in these past weeks. I lost my hearing in my left ear for starters!! In fact that has been the worst thing to happen to me in Korea thus far. With the winter and the fact that I have been getting the flu so ear, i developed an ear infection. So for the past 2 and half weeks I lost my hearing, see an ENT specialist every day before work to get treatment!!! Its been very frustrating, But the very purpose for today's blog entry sheds light on this situation

I could say it a million times in a million different ways but you will never be able to understand!!!
Often times I feel Im not worth the effort that the Man above, puts into me and into my life

Wherever I live and find myself, be it in a small town called Home or in Boston or now in Korea, IM always blessed to have WONDERFUL people by my side..

Im dating a GREAT guy who is always so wonderful to me and takes great care of me...
Im also greatful for an amazing set of friends!!! Without these people in my life, I really dont know if I would make it through each day!!

Whenever the goings are tough and you feel like you have NO REASON whatsoever to go on, stop and look around in your life..You will be amazed at how lucky you are to have wonderful people who surround you with love and the hope for a better day!!!!

This is dedicated to all the great friends out there and the wonderful man that I call Dimples !!!


Saturday, January 2, 2010

A holiday to recover from the holiday !!!!

After months of planning and endless nights of prepping, the James' finally arrived..They came, they saw, they froze their asses off in the awesome Korean winter, they even had a white Christmas!!! But all good things have to come to an end, and unfortunately as I sit at the airport lounge waiting to board my flight back to Seoul alone, this holiday is over!!!

The holidays definitely make you appreciate those closest to you..It makes you cherish those moments that will make a home in your heart for eternity..
There were moments of frustration, little fights here and there, but all in all, we had a wonderful holiday!!!

I am so thankful to have my family, and I consider myself so lucky and blessed to have each and every one of them in my life. Im glad that my parents got to see how I live day to day, to experience this wonderful city of Seoul with me, got to meet my wonderful friends and the great guy that Im dating!!!

Life is wonderful right now, and I hope wherever you find yourself reading this, it is great for you too!!

Wishing you all the best for 2010..Make it your year to shine !!!
