Sometimes one has to ask whether that good ol' saying GOOD THINGS DON'T LAST FOREVER is true to form or merely just a saying..
The past 7 months of being in Korea were and still are amazing, but ever since I met this wonderful guy and we started dating, the past few months seemed like a fairytale..
The kind of happiness and that floaty~on~cloud~no 9~feeling was something I had never experienced before..
But like the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, well temporarily for us at least. Last weekend Chad left to head back home to the US. Needless to say, it was something we had been dreading, but knowing that something is only temporary and that we will see each other again, made the goodbye a lot less painful!!!
Since then I have been keeping busy, going out and forming new bonds with new friends!!! In my case, baking, cooking and being hospitable is something that allows me to concentrate on what I enjoy doing and forget about the things around me!!
Also the fact that it is the 1st day of spring today, makes me feel a bit better in the hope that Sunny days are almost here..With that being said, it is a good ol 3 degrees celcius here today with mild rain. I guess there is nothing wrong with a girl hoping huh??
I have also began the countdown to return home for a vacation in August. With my iGoogle countdown timer showing a weird number like 135days, 15 hours, 19 minutes and 25 seconds, and ticking away as i type, It is something I look forward to everyday, as is the case with seeing the fairytale continue in the coming months!!!