Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Always guided by a higher power..

I have always tried to live my life on the straight and narrow. I must admit, that I have made LOADS of mistakes but I have come to terms with alot of things along the way, and throughout my life's journey, I have lawya felt like my path has been uided by someone upstairs.

I often think to myself, "Wow, someone up there must really like for this to be happening", and needless to say, this experience of being in this strange, weird and wacky land, is no different.
My 1st week here, was horrible to say the least. I kept praying and asking HIM whether I have made the correct decision, or whether HIm guiding me was a mistake..
But something on the inside always knew, that Id soon hear HIS answer. I also felt very lonely and empty. Sure I have made some good friends, but something was just missing..

On sunday, I found it. The 1st time ever since I got here, I felt welcome and I felt like I could be myself. I hooked up with an American couple(Husband and wife teaching here, living only 5 minutes away from me)
I met them via facebook cos I was at the time searching for a church. So she met me at a bus stop close to ur houses on sunday. We hopped on a bus, and we were on our way. The church is a Presbyterian church and about 15 minutes away from us. The 2pm service is one designed mainly for foreigners. It was SO good to just be in church and with other foreigners. We had small group bible study around 2. And the service began at 2 30pm. It lasted for an hour, and the minister is a korean lady, who studied in the US for a while, so her English was much better than the average Korean

Needlesss to say, I was shocked at how I was led to worship in that particular church
I met a South african guy, Hennie, who has been living in Korea for 2 and a half years. We became friends instantly and were very happy to be in the company of another South African...

I got home that afternoon, and was just amazed at how changed I felt. I couldnt beleive that 1 hour can change your whole outlook on things. I felt so ready and prepared for the week ahead

Later that evening Hennie skyped me to invite me to Lunch the next day. Since I only gotta be at school at 1pm, we met around 11am and did coffeee, then we had Japanese for lunch. He also introduced me to anohter foreign teacher(American) who works at the school he is at. The 3 of us had a good ol' time over lunch,a nd yet again, I felt ready for the week ahead
The very next day I had planned on going to Uijeongbu to get my Alien Registeration card, something that all foreigners with a work permit, need to have. Hennie was kind enough to offer to come with me to show me around, as it gets a bit tricky for a 1st timer..

We spent the morning together. I sorted out my ARC, and should recieve it sometime next week.

As I look back on the weekend and week that is almost over, I am amazed at how loved I feel. at certain stages in my life, I have always thought that things couldnt get any worse, but Im always proven wrong..
These past few weeks have been so tough, but I feel so blessed to have been led to meet certain people..Im also glad that Im not alone, for a silent companion is with me at all times..

This ones dedicated to all the wonderful people I have met in Seoul thus far and all the people who have been led onto my path of life, along the years. You know who you are..This one goes out to you all..

Love and hugs..XOXO


  1. Cassandra, always remember you are a child of the most high god and off course there will be doubts along the way, always put him first. There will definitely be bad days, and on those one's think what your ultimately goal is.
    We love you very much, Ma & Pa

  2. always remember you're prayer meeting messages and always remeber however far you might be, he's never too busy to send a blessing to those woh follow him

    lotsa love:justin

  3. Awww I truly am blessed to have th BEST family..Love and miss you guys..XoXO

  4. Hi Cas,
    Well I'm sorry to admit it after reading your special message that I am not the most religious person. But wow, you are blessed. I thank my lucky stars each day that I met your mom, she in herself is an inspiration and great friend, I know I don't tell her that (think it just easier to type).
    Anyway like everyone else - wishing you all the best in your paths.
    Lots of love
