Like for example, if a person moves into a new place, they will decide whether they should have a housewarming or not..In my case, I sorta had no choice..
My boss has been pestering me for the longest time to throw a house warming party. I kept trying to make excuses or put it off thinking she will forget, but Boy oh boy, was I ever wrong..Eventually this week, I invited them over for brunch..Korean people generally don't do brunch, so it was tough deciding what to make..I asked Sarah, my boss, and she gave me a few ideas. Needless to say, he party was a hit. We had fun, talked, and laughed and just had a good time. I was also lucky to receive Korean style house warming gifts. Toilet paper, boxes of tissue, to last me a lifetime,and a HUGE box of apples...I was very grateful.
My boss and co workers always do their best to make me feel welcome and a part of the team, but as its normal for a foreigner, there are moments that are really uncomfortable, where they are all speaking and laughing and I'm just sitting there. But as each day passes, and the more they get to know me, and me know them, there is a level of understanding and compromise.But my opinion is still the same, I am very glad that I decided to come to Seoul and take up this opportunity to teach. I am learning so much about the Korean people, their culture, even if some of it stinks, and more importantly, this opportunity is teaching me so much about myself,and I know that it will help me grow and mature even further by just being here..
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