Thursday, July 30, 2009



Looking back at my last blog entry, a lot has happened. Some good and some, well, let’s rather leave it at that..

First and foremost the job in Suwon city did not work out due to stupidity on the part of that school, so instead my recruiter managed to get me another job with exactly the same benefits in a city called Guri, which my the way happens to be very close to a cousin of mine living and teaching English in Korea. So I guess it all just came together at the end...

I have just received confirmation today that I fly out of Durban, SA, this coming Sunday, the 2nd August. Considering I waited so long to get here, I honestly thought I‘d be very relieved but needless to say, I am very nervous, scared and very sad. Thanks to facebook, all my new Korean friends keep telling me that I have nothing to fear and this kinda feeling is totally expected.
I just have 3 more days left here so I intend to make the most of it. Altho I must admit, the packing is driving me crazy. But hey that’s part of the adventure huh!!! Trying to fit as much as possible into 2 bags, with a crazy ass baggage limit. Something that’s a nightmare for any women.

Anyway I’m off. Will keep you updated as the journey unfolds..

1 comment:

  1. Sisi, I love the pics but its all too real and bare.
    How do u survive, it looks like u're in tertiary all over again, living in Res and waiting for your parents to deposit your money.

    Be cool and it is will be over in no time, just save ur cash.
