Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fitting in and developing a routine :-)

So with the big 1 month milestone out of the picture, life here in Korea is pretty muchh normal to me, well almost normal. Im still not used to and ok with the STARES, the pervy old men, and a couple of minor issues..

School continues to bring me great joy, and going to work everyday is my saving grace. It gives me such joy to go in and see those smiling faces, and knowing that with each day, I make a difference in their lives..The older students, are by far my favorites. We have become friends, altho sometimes I struggle with drawing the line between their friend and teacher. But for the most part, all is well :-)

My Boss and co workers treat me VERY WELL, and with each day, we too become friends. My boss even asks me for advice (she has a teenage daughter )

In terms of life other than work, it is great. I meet new and interesting people every day. I atend a lovely church with some amazing people. On a Wednesday, I attend a small group Bible Study, which is so nice. Its a bunch of us foreigners and a few Korean people. We study the Bible and also just chat and eat and laugh, and learn about each other

I never thought I'd say this, but I LOVE being here. I am learning so much, about the way these people live and the way and lifestyle the kids have to go through. Life for Korean kids is very tough. The kids at my school, go to Public/government schools during the week, from morning till 2. Then at 2 30pm they come to English Academy, and their day ends at like 9pm. This is a norm for these kids. It just gets to me, when Im trying to teach and some of them are literally falling off to sleep cos they are so tired. It is so heartbreaking :-(

With each day that passes Im so glad I made this decision to come out here. I just know that at the end of it, whether I stay only for a year or decide to extend, I will be blessed, and this experience will teach me more about myself than anything I have evr been through..

Hugs to all..

PS, the picture was taken one Sunday after church. We are at a Korean resturant. There is Sarah and amanda, American friends,and Jin, the Korean lady that plays piano at church..

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